Thursday, March 29, 2007

something for you

the world is dark my heart is cold but when you come it turns to gold
you were there in my time of need never far from me
but now its changed youve moved on coz its time for you
and im left with memories which will never leave my heart
every smile every laugh always fill ed my heart with hope
anyone could say it was gunna be ok but i wouldnt believe it
till i heard it from when you spoke of dreams and what i could do
i really believed i had a chance if i had a frown it wouldnt be there
long you would make sure it was gone you taught me to stand and fight
and not to run and how to make a decsion on my own but everyone needs
someone to run to but if your gone who do i run to? of course theres my parents but
would they drop everything for me?? half the time i dont think they know im really there
and would they stand up in front of a full staff room and yell out im ur daughter to all the teachers?? your the only one could tell me you loved me just by lookin at me you always filled my heart on the darkest of days and ill never ever forget you, you will always be in my heart!!!!! i luv you calo and i miss you so much

now i see you now i dont thats what i put on the note just so
people around me can see how much you mean to me!!!!!!!!
luv ya calo

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