Thursday, March 22, 2007

bye calo

hey hey ppl wats been happening OMG 2 weeks till calo leaves argh :-( im gunna cry we made a dvd and were decorating the big notice board outside his office wit pics and memories of stuff we done in the time we have been wit him!!!!! if anyone has an idea of how to get over losing a really really close friend by all means please tell me i need to get over it coz it feels like im losing a dad!! i know u galz will stick wit me thats why i love yous so much xoxox anyway what have yas all got planned 4 the hols?? me just fun fun armidale :)


BuBbLeS said...

hey baby girl........
i think that u and calo should enjoy the time u hav left with calo and try to remember the good times xoxoxoxox

love u lots ur sausage

you go the power

WiLd_At _HeArT said...

hi nic, u no im here right???
Anyways have fun while you can and dont think about whats gunna happen when he does leave, just dont think that you're never gunna see him again, cos you definantly are ok huney bunch, love Bella.....